Installing LibreArp via Homebrew

Pre-requisite: Homebrew must be installed

Basic setup

In the terminal, run the following commands:


brew install librearp/librearp/librearp


brew update


update-librearp remove
brew remove librearp


The update-librearp script is able to create and remove links to the LibreArp binaries built using the Homebrew formula in the standard plugin search paths, either in the current user’s home directory, or globally for the whole operating system.

Command usage: update-librearp [action] [type]

  • action - the action to take (default: install)
    • install - (re-)creates the link
    • remove - deletes the link
  • type - installation type (default: local)
    • local - for the current user
    • global - for all users

Note: Normally, when type is set to global, administrative privileges are required and the script needs to be run with sudo.

Additional information

LibreArp’s Homebrew formula is maintained in a tap in its separate GitLab repository. This repository is mirrored to GitHub, so that librearp/librearp can be resolved by Homebrew.

By installing librearp/librearp/librearp, you install the librearp formula from the tap named librearp by the librearp organization. The formula downloads LibreArp’s source code and builds it locally on your computer.